July 1st 2022


Friends! People of this world - people from this particular plane of existence. You are receiving this letter because at some point you gave me your email address expecting the occasional concept / piece of music to drop in on your inbox from time to time. This is one of those times. I have been going through a LOT.

For fear of reaching information overload right out of the gate, I’ll deduce what is absolutely necessary to the reader. I will create a hyper-concentrated extract of the the past year of my life - no, the last ten years - neigh, the entire history of the planet, into a single digestible electronic pill that my subscribers will swallow with their… eyes. 

This is the kind of obsessive, compulsive planning that my mind plays out and ultimately keeps me from

-D O I N G  T H E  W O R K- 

The sweet simple work of showing up to the journal, the keyboard, the yoga mat, the canvas and letting the truth of expression, however potentially mundane or disturbing it may be, out. Since there are infinite things to consider and endless events to recall, we will take it one grain of sand at a time.

My wife calls to me from the other room at this moment and asks if I want to dye my hair brown on a whim. I decline because I am actually very pleased with this orange situation, despite the rate at which it is steadily abandoning the crown of my head. Of course she herself is dying her hair on a whim. Her whimsies are the best. We got married last September in the mountains embraced by a DIY oasis that she designed and constructed out of beautiful thrifted materials. She never weighs the coffee and it always turns out great. I can’t imagine how bleak these last two years would have been without her.

“The Sweetness Of Doing Nothing With Her” could be the extended title to this recent part of my life.

I made this video to show you the lullaby that I wrote and produced for her on our wedding day. It’s something I would come back to on the guitar every once in a while over the past few years. Once I decided to surprise her with some music during our ceremony, this arrangement fell together and it made for a great sonic decoration in time. (Recently, someone I was chatting with likened music as the decor of time in a similar way that visual art is the decor of space. I feel this on many levels.)

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